• Reduces blood vessel inflammation: lower blood pressure & reduced blood clots
  • Fights Free Radicals
  • Prevent Type2 Diabetes
  • Improves cognitive ability

Infused Olive Oils, benefits olive oil

Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Proven benefits of extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil has been around for millennia, since the time of Hippocrates and even Jesus; both have spoken of the healing properties and therapeutic uses for olive oil. Hundreds of studies have been conducted to share the proven benefits of olive oil in a healthy diet and in day-to-day use. From oil pulling for healthy teeth and gums to beauty for hair, skin and nails, olive oil has a plethora of beneficial uses. However, not all olive oil is the same, so identifying quality, fresh olive oil is hard to come by due to the worldwide demand.


Let’s break down the biggest, evidence-based health benefits of olive oil.



To clarify, two tablespoons of olive oil a day can reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease and heart attack by improving cholesterol levels, reducing blood vessel inflammation, and can lower blood pressure.


weight loss & type 2 diabetes

For example, the Mediterranean Diet, which isn’t a true diet but an ideal of foods known from the Mediterranean region, has been touted for weight loss. Likewise by adding olive oil to your diet, you can feel more full with adding in these healthy fats. However, fats have been vilified in diets for their higher caloric content, but fats are necessary for a healthy diet. Including proper cellular and mitochondrial functioning, maintaining a healthy metabolism and balanced hormones.


fights free radicals

Extra virgin olive oil is loaded with polyphenols and MUFAs that have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body by fighting free radicals. Free radicals attack our cells that can lead to premature aging, cellular degeneration and can cause illnesses like cancer.


brain food – cognitive ability

The brain thrives on fat! A low fat diet can impact our ability to think clearly, our decision making processes, and can increase brain fog. By adding in olive oil to our daily diet, we can help keep our brain fed and thriving.



Italian olive oil is one of the most common oils and one of the most counterfeited. Extra virgin olive oil is made by washing olives and crushing them into a paste. The paste is placed in a centrifuge which is used to separate the oil and water from the soil pieces. From this step, the mixture is separated. Therefore, the water is removed leaving only the oil behind.

Extra virgin olive oil is the pinnacle of quality for olive oil, based on the harvest time and acidity level.

Here are ways to identify quality olive oil: smell, taste, observe and read. Firstly, the smell of fresh, extra virgin olive oil will have a peppery, earthy, fresh cut grass scent; whereas olive oils that have been cut with cheaper oils or seed oils will have a rancid or off-putting scent. Second is the taste, does the olive oil taste similarly to the scent: fresh grass, earthy, peppery. Thirdly, observe the color. What color is the oil? Is it yellow or does it have a pale green color? For example, quality extra virgin olive oil will have a green hue to it. Finally, read the label. Subsequently, the majority of store bought olive oils are a “blend” of olives and different types of olive oils.

virgin olive oil

In general, the label of virgin olive oil is considered to be of lesser quality than Extra Virgin Olive Oil. As a result, it has about 1.5 percent free acidity with a great mild flavor. While virgin olive oil is excellent for sauteing and other low heat cooking, the higher acidity level and impurities are what downgrade the quality. Moreover, measuring the level of acidity after pressing the fruit, determines whether it is considered extra virgin or virgin.

refined olive oil

If you see a label that says pure olive oil or just olive oil, it is usually a refined olive oil. Similarly, refined olive oil is typically extracted from black and ripe olives and is great for cooking, especially at high temperatures. Mostly used for commercial cooking, restaurants and chefs will use a version of refined olive oil, coined as “light olive oil” where the flavor and odor are removed. You would not want to use this oil for anything other than cooking. Refined olive oil has the same calories and fat content as other types of olive oil, however it removes all of the health benefits as extra virgin olive oil.

Only Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Nutrition experts, physicians, scientists, and foodies will all agree that extra virgin olive oil has the highest quality, standards, flavor and benefits. Rich with anti-oxidants that fight free radicals that can be attributed to premature aging, cancer and other illnesses. While quality extra virgin olive oil is more expensive. As a consumer, you are paying for the quality, benefits, and flavor that extra virgin olive oil is world renowned. Fresh, quality, pure, extra virgin olive oil is also very hard to come by in the United States.

This is why we, at Oviedo Olive Oil, have partnered with a family farm in California that grows organic, fresh, quality olives that meets the most rigorous standards. Our Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil always achieves levels of acidity at 0.3% which is below the minimum of 0.8% to be considered extra virgin.

olive oil. benefits olive oil

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